Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic SEO

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic learns Search engine optimization (or SEO) is the way in which traffic to a website is driven or drawn to by the use of many methods to attract traffic.

Each of the methods work differently and together, they make a good combination or team. Ambatchmasterpublisher thinks it is not good to depend on one source of traffic to the neglect of the others.

Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Msn and others, give a rank for each page of the website. The objective is to optimize the webpage for the particular keyword or keyword phrase in order that organic traffic would come.

Ambatchmasterpublisher found out that other terms used for örganic” are “natural” or älgorithmic”.

Of course, organic or natural traffic is the best, as it is free. It differs from Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns where an advertiser pays for each click to their advertisement which targets a specific keyword.

The higher the page rank, the better. Much has been done, discussed and tested over the years to see how it works, and to sidestep Google slaps.

Ambatchmasterpublisher found out that the page with a high page rank means it is more relevant, so a searcher for that keyword would find it listed above other webpages where the keyword has not been optimized correctly.

That is why people like to try and rank their page as #1 on Google!
Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic laughs!