Ambatchmasterpublisher has SEO Contest for Kelvin Hui's class.
It started in early June and will finish on 22 June 2007.
Ambatchmasterpublisher and other Ambatchmasterpublishers work hard to deliver results for #1 spot on Google. As all contests go, competition is keen and Ambatchmasterpublisher work hard.
Ambatchmasterpublisher found interesting facts about SEO which using Ambatchmasterpublisher blog. Blog is curious to learn how Ambatchmasterpublisher can succeed on Google.
Different techniques and ideas are used for contest. All Ambatchmasterpublishers are thinking hard. Criteris for Ambatchmasterpublisher Seo contest was set and Ambatchmasterpublisher will report soon.
As Ambatchmasterpublisher is busy with blog, kindly wait for news on Ambatchmasterpublisher progress. Final marks counted for end result of Ambatchmasterpublisher contest. Sincere wishes to Ambatchmasterpublisher!