Friday, June 22, 2007

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic - Free Squidoo Ebook

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic has free resource for classmates,

Go here....
I read it (first part only). It has good ideas to combine Squidoo with Ebay/Blog.
Give you guys ideas for making money, make new friends, have fun!

Extract of original email from Squidoo:A special thanks go out to Martin Adamo of Once Upon a Bid fame, for his support online and off. And for putting together today's remarkable Lens of the Day... it's got everything you ever needed to know about selling on eBay. Check it out:

P.S. Don't miss Marty's generous contribution to the Squidoo ebook: "Free Traffic: Revealing the Secrets of the New eBay Elite." Get your free copy here:

Enjoy! Ambatchmasterpublsher Traffic signoff!

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic - Diary

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic found a really good diary,

Read it here...

This is the last day for our SEO contest...
See what other people are doing today.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic - Queen We Will Rock You

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic watch Queen, We will Rock You!

Wow! Very hot man! Cool! Freddy Mercury knows how to sing Rock!

Tell my friend also.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic like Queen.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic - Ernest Take on Search Engine

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic found Ernest who Take on Search Engine idea! Ambatchmasterpublisher find it funny.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic like Search Engine.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Squidoo Traffic

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic found Squidoo lens with traffic ideas by classmate Dwi. Good lens and excellent photo profile.

Squidoo Traffic Ideas

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic get updates.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic The Simpsons Best Intro

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic likes The Simpsons.
But this one is scary music. Mummy!

Where is Bart? Lisa?
Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic miss them.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic Squidoo

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic found Squidoo lens.
Very interesting.

Ambatchmasterpublisher 10

Take a look for yourself.

Ambatchmasterpublisher traffic likes it.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic Squidoo Supercharger

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic found Squidoo lens.
Very interesting.

Geoff Lord is Traffic Supercharger

Have a look.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic watching it.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic SEO

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic learns Search engine optimization (or SEO) is the way in which traffic to a website is driven or drawn to by the use of many methods to attract traffic.

Each of the methods work differently and together, they make a good combination or team. Ambatchmasterpublisher thinks it is not good to depend on one source of traffic to the neglect of the others.

Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Msn and others, give a rank for each page of the website. The objective is to optimize the webpage for the particular keyword or keyword phrase in order that organic traffic would come.

Ambatchmasterpublisher found out that other terms used for örganic” are “natural” or älgorithmic”.

Of course, organic or natural traffic is the best, as it is free. It differs from Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns where an advertiser pays for each click to their advertisement which targets a specific keyword.

The higher the page rank, the better. Much has been done, discussed and tested over the years to see how it works, and to sidestep Google slaps.

Ambatchmasterpublisher found out that the page with a high page rank means it is more relevant, so a searcher for that keyword would find it listed above other webpages where the keyword has not been optimized correctly.

That is why people like to try and rank their page as #1 on Google!
Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic laughs!

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic Likes Star Trek

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic has a new friend.

New Friend
Together we watch Star Trek movies. :)

Actually, one episode, Capitan Kirk said how funny that earth people use money.

Must be long-long-long time into the long-blong-dong Uni-Verse, where people forget money?

Ambatchmasterpublisher wonder how can not use money?

Maybe, they use GOLF Balls at the rate Tiger Woods is spinning them out!

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic likes golf!
Oh-dear, Ambatchmasterpublisher has -minus golf handicap.
Hey, tiger? Ambatchmasterpublisher need lessons! Sorry, can I borrow some golf balds? Ambatchmasterpublisher smile at Tiger.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic Pubcon Interview with Matt Cutts

Ambatchmasterpublisher found Youtube video about Matt Cutts.

Matt is SEO expert, so interview is worth watching.

Ambatchmasterpublisher learns from many people.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic Likes Gray Wolf

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic likes Gray Wolf.

Saw his video on Youtube. Good ideas and instructions about blogging, how to and prevent mistakes.

Ambatchmasterpublisher likes Gray Wolf!

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic - Forget Google Traffic?

Ambatchmasterpublisher Google Traffic Contest is still going. Last night, Ambatchmasterpublisher watched a video about getting traffic.

They say, forget Google. Follow us. Many videos later, Ambatchmasterpublisher learn something interesting.

Ambatchmasterpublisher advice for SEO

Many people desire high traffic for their website. So Google is happy to get Adwords income. People pay to get traffic to their ads. Ambatchmasterpublisher heard about banner advertising.

Curiously Ambatchmasterpublisher think about it. Can it be true?
They say they got 5.3 billion (yes, that is correct, BILLION!) impressions on their banner ads. They sold US$10 million. Ah, but how much did it cost?

Ambatchmasterpublisher will find out more.

After spending much money with `gurus', Ambatchmasterpublisher learn to think twice, three times before spend money.

Kelvin teach about financial management. I wish I met Kelvin earlier!
Nevermind, Kelvin say, We have a LOT of Money!

Thanks, Ambatchmasterpublisher is grateful for encouragement.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic - You Have A Lot of Money

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic just read new report, `You Have A Lot of Money' by our Master Ambatchmasterpublisher Teacher, Kelvin Hui.

Kelvin Says, `You Have A Lot Of Money'

Wah, nofair,lah!

Ambatchmasterpublisher feel proud of this sister who earns US$1,000 per month. 2005 I went to China, many people were poor. They are desperate to get rich! We know that Ambatchmasterpublishers are rich people, money is no problem!

Ambatchmasterpublisher class will make them even more richer than when start Ambatchmasterpublisher program. Kelvin will also enjoy more money from success of our class by new people joining. Ambatchmasterpublisher testimonials will make Kelvin very happy!

Ambatchmasterpublisher notice earn money can be slow sometimes, but spend fast! Shall we slow down spending or make faster earn money? Up to Ambatchmasterpublisher how do it. Ambatchmasterpublisher will invent new wallet that pings when open to take out money or credit card. Any buyers?

Advice from Ambatchmasterpublisher only US$100 p/hour! You come? Cheap,lah!

PS. Part-time job, export Australian Wine to HK, by Ambatchmasterpublisher :)

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic Non SEO Expert

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic Non SEO Expert, Kelvin Hui discuss Ambatchmasterpublisher non SEO techniques.

Kelvin Hui, non SEO expert

Since Kelvin has success with Google Traffic, Ambatchmasterpublisher was surprised to read his report. His ideas are different for Ambatchmasterpublisher to achieve results.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Program is designed by Kelvin for SEO newbies. Since Ambatchmasterpublisher classmates are not SEO experts, this is good idea. Not many SEO Experts are in Ambatchmasterpublisher class.

People are desperate for Google traffic so Ambatchmasterpublisher think different to achieve better results. Location of Ambatchmasterpublisher office changed this week so Ambatchmasterpublisher wait for reply to questions.

Whenever people think one way, Ambatchmasterpublisher class think separate. Sincere work, honesty, hard work Ambatchmasterpublisher agrees. Ambatchmasterpublisher members work together to enjoy Ambatchmasterpublisher program.

Many Ambatchmasterpublishers find contest keep them busy. Even children of Ambatchmasterpublisher help with contest. Creativite Ambatchmasterpublisher make us proud. Enjoy! Ambatchmasterpublisher!

Another interest of Ambatchmasterpublisher is traffic statistics. Sources show Ambatchmasterpublisher different results. Non SEO Ambatchmasterpublisher enjoy class.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Contest in Progress

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic Contest is in progress. Many results were achieved for Ambatchmasterpublisher class started by Kelvin Hui.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Blog

Traffic contest especially from Google is important. Kelvin's success with Ambatchmasterpublisher websites make it easy for him to teach about traffic.

Another Ambatchmasterpublisher Program is planned for late 2007. New Ambatchmasterpublisher classmates will join with first Ambatchmasterpublisher classmates. Our combined skill in Ambatchmasterpublisher traffic will be impressive.

Success with Google traffic makes Ambatchmasterpublisher class in demand. People ask Ambatchmasterpublisher questions about this program. Ambatchmasterpublisher work hard.

Since first class, Ambatchmasterpublisher success is expected for members of Ambatchmasterpublisher program. Many good publicity was achieved fopr Ambatchmasterpublisher program. Kelvin and Ambatchmasterpublisher team members work hard to ensure excellent teaching for Ambatchmasterpublisher.

Since Ambatchmasterpublisher is in Australia, it is good to network with other people. In future, Ambatchmasterpublisher foresee travel and meeting other ambatchmasterpublishers. Ambatchmasterpublisher is keen for contest.

Inviting other Ambatchmasterpublisher to Hong Kong is planned. Final success of Ambatchmasterpublisher will be winner. Rresults of contest will Ambatchmasterpublisher show soon.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic SEO Contest

Ambatchmasterpublisher has SEO Contest for Kelvin Hui's class.
It started in early June and will finish on 22 June 2007.

Ambatchmasterpublisher and other Ambatchmasterpublishers work hard to deliver results for #1 spot on Google. As all contests go, competition is keen and Ambatchmasterpublisher work hard.

Ambatchmasterpublisher found interesting facts about SEO which using Ambatchmasterpublisher blog. Blog is curious to learn how Ambatchmasterpublisher can succeed on Google.

Different techniques and ideas are used for contest. All Ambatchmasterpublishers are thinking hard. Criteris for Ambatchmasterpublisher Seo contest was set and Ambatchmasterpublisher will report soon.

As Ambatchmasterpublisher is busy with blog, kindly wait for news on Ambatchmasterpublisher progress. Final marks counted for end result of Ambatchmasterpublisher contest. Sincere wishes to Ambatchmasterpublisher!

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic Introduction

Ambatchmasterpublisher Traffic Introduction
This blog is for Ambatchmasterpublisher class started by Kelvin Hui.

Kelvin Hui and Ambatch

Kelvin has famous history in getting huge traffic from Google and other search engines. His great success with Ambatchmasterpublisher saw Yahoo giving him valuable agreement.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Program is the first for Kelvin. Ambatchmasterpublisher classmates come from all over the world. People with talents, skills and knowledge in Ambatchmasterpublisher class.

Since all people love to get huge Google traffic, Ambatchmasterpublisher class is popular. Expectations for Ambatchmasterpublisher class is high. All friends of Ambatchmasterpublisher wait for results.

Success comes surely for members of Ambatchmasterpublisher class. Keeping good attitude, health and technique for Ambatchmasterpublisher is important. Ambatchmasterpublisher members are excellent with good intentions of Ambatchmasterpublisher.

Ambatchmasterpublisher Google traffic is key element for business success. Without traffic, no business. Therefore, Ambatchmasterpublisher is keen to learn, apply to own business. Meeting of Ambatchmasterpublishers will take place after program end. Celebration is planned for Ambatchmasterpublisher.

Focus is important to Ambatchmasterpublisher. Further discussion to continue for Ambatchmasterpublisher. Working hard is Ambatchmasterpublisher ethic.